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Public Safety and Mental Health Education, Training, and Consulting

  • The Working Mind Workplace Mental Health & Wellness course offered by Opening Minds & The MHCC

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    Duration Varies

    275 Canadian dollars
  • The Working Mind Workplace Mental Health & Wellness course offered by Opening Minds & The MHCC

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    7 hr 30 min

    275 Canadian dollars
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This is a full day (7.5 hour) virtual training course: Delivered on behalf of Opening Minds and the Mental Health Commission of Canada. Upon completion, participants will receive a certification from the Mental Health Comission of Canada. 


This course draws on current evidence in the areas of neuroscience, psychology, and resilience. It was originally adapted from a program developed and implemented for the military

Course Objectives

This evidence-based course is designed to initiate a shift in the way you think, act and feel about mental health by:

  •  increasing your awareness of mental health;

  •  reducing stigma and other barriers to care in your sector/workplace/community;

  •  encouraging mental health conversations;

  •  strengthening your resilience so that you can maintain your wellness;

  •  (managers/leaders) helping you to support yourself and others living with a mental health problem or illness.

This course is designed to be interactive, and active participation in group activities and discussions is encouraged.

This course is divided into four distinct modules:

Modules 1, 2, and 3 are core modules that offer the same foundational content to all participants (employees/managers/leaders), and the focus is on increasing self-awareness and taking care of one’s own mental health. Module 4 offers specific content to help managers and leaders support their teams’ mental health.


Module 1: Mental Health And Stigma In Module 1, participants examine concepts of mental health and discuss the impacts of stigma on individuals living with mental health or substance use problems. Intended Outcomes At the end of Module 1 participants will be able to:

 describe the concept of mental health.

 explain the difference between good mental health, declining mental health and mental illness.

 list common mental illnesses in Canada.

 identify risk factors for mental illness.

 describe the different types of stigma.

 explain the difference between stigma, prejudice, and discrimination.

 explain the impact of stigma in the workplace.

 identify stigmatizing language and respectful alternatives.

 identify barriers to care.

 explain how to reduce barriers to care in the workplace.


Module 2: Mental Health in the Workplace In Module 2, participants learn about psychological health and safety in the workplace and use the Mental Health Continuum Tool to notice changes in their mental health and wellbeing. They also discuss how to have conversations with others about mental health and taking appropriate actions. Intended Outcomes At the end of Module 2 participants will be able to: 

 describe the concept of psychological health and safety.

 recognize a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

 identify the benefits of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

 explain how you can contribute to a psychologically healthy and safe workplace.

 apply the Mental Health Continuum tool to recognize changes in their mental health and well-being.

 identify some signs and indicators in the 5 areas of the continuum.

 practice using the Continuum self-check tool to notice changes in themselves.

 recognize key actions they can take for themselves in each zone of the continuum.

 apply the Mental Health Continuum Tool to talk about mental health with colleagues, friends, and family members.

 recognize the warning signs of suicide.

 recall the ALBRA actions for talking to someone about suicide.

 describe the concept and principles of recovery.


Module 3: Stress & Resilience In Module 3, participants explore the impacts of stress on mental health, and practice applying the Big 4 Coping Strategies—simple but proven tools to deal with stress effectively and remain resilient. Intended Outcomes At the end of Module 3 participants will be able to:

 describe the concept of stress.

 identify and list main stressors (personal, organizational, other) in their life.

 describe the concept of resilience.

 identify the Big 4 coping strategies.

 apply the Big 4 coping strategies to manage stress and build resilience.

 describe the concept of self-care.

 use self-care strategies to manage stress and build resilience.

 identify other available resources to support themselves.

Leadership Module Managers and leaders build on the content from the three core modules and focus on practical approaches to supporting their teams’ mental health and well-being.


Module 4: Supporting Your Team In Module 4, managers, and leaders practice skills to support their team’s mental health and well-being. They review appropriate actions to take in each colour zone of the Mental Health Continuum and address practical actions related to critical incidents and supporting employees. Intended Outcomes At the end of Module 4 participants will be able to:

 recognize the mental health challenges that managers face.

 explain the employer’s and manager’s role in addressing psychological health and well-being in the workplace.

 describe how to have healthy conversations about mental health with employees and team members.

 apply the mental health continuum tool to support your team’s mental health and well-being in each continuum zone.  identify considerations for return to work and accommodations.

 recall the actions in the AIR model to help employees in a crisis situation.

 apply the AIR model to support employees after a crisis.


Delivery Requirements

• The course modules are delivered in sequential order, as each module builds on learning from the previous module.

• This course is delivered virtual (contact for in-person options).

• Participants must complete all the modules in the same delivery format with the same group/cohort.

Flexible times/dates available. Course can be delivered in one day or over 2 days. Group rates available.


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